To accompany the AfDB’s new development strategy to transform Africa, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the Bank held its Development Evaluation Week 2016 on the theme “Driving Africa’s Transformation”. Evaluation experts, academics and practitioners from diverse horizons converged in Abidjan to examine the Bank’s High-5s: Light up and power Africa; Feed Africa; Integrate Africa; Industrialize Africa; and Improve the quality of life for Africans. Participants at Evaluation Week discussed how lessons learned from the AfDB and other development institutions can inform the design and implementation of policies and operations in the five priority areas, and how innovative solutions can contribute to success.
Best of Transforming Africa- High level panel -Evaluation Week
Best of Evaluation Week – Transforming Africa from AfDBGroup on Vimeo.
Best of Industrialize Africa : Evaluation Week
Evaluation Week – Best of – Industrialize Africa from AfDBGroup on Vimeo.
Best of Feed Africa - Evaluation Week
Evaluation Week - Best of - Feed Africa from AfDBGroup on Vimeo.
Best of - Light up and Power Africa - Evaluation Week
Evaluation Week-Best-of – Light up and Power Africa from AfDBGroup on Vimeo.
Knowledge Café at Evaluation Week
Evaluation Week Knowledge Café / Café Connaissances from AfDBGroup on Vimeo.