The presentation outlines the preliminary findings of a joint report currently being finalized by IDEV and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) which synthesizes the wealth of existing evaluative evidence in 33 evaluations of donor support for private sector development. The presentation aimed at sharing evaluative evidence on the role played by the private sector in spurring economic growth and discussing how development partners can work together to maximize the private sector’s contribution to development.
Learning Event on Energy Presentation by Victoria CHISALA, Manager, Results Reporting - Quality Assurance & Results Department.
Learning from the African Development Bank and the World Bank Evaluations
What will it take to achieve “Electricity for All” by 2030?
Highlights of IEG’s Evaluation of Bank Group’s Support for Electricity Access, FY2000-FY2014
Cette revue documente des rapports d’évaluation de dix-huit projets d’AEPA financés par la BAD et réalisés entre 2010 et 2012, ainsi que des résultats des évaluations menées par d’autres partenaires au développement impliqués dans le secteur de l’AEPA en Afrique est enrichie des échanges qui ont eu lieu à l’occasion d’un atelier régional organisé par la BAD au Maroc en novembre 2013 pour un échange d’expériences de l’évaluation des projets et programmes d’AEPA.
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) bring together the expertise of both the public and private sectors, allowing each sector to do what it does best in order to deliver projects and services in the most efficient manner.