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Jeudi, 8 novembre, 2018

Knowledge Management (KM) and dissemination of evaluation findings and recommendations constitute integral part of an evaluation process conducted by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank (AfDB).

From 6 to 7 November 2018, IDEV participated in the 2018 Asian Development Bank (ADB) Knowledge Forum, held in Manila, Philippines.

Over 150 knowledge experts and practitioners from international organizations, private sector, non-profits, and academia participated in the Forum which aimed to: (1) take stock of the state of play of knowledge and knowledge management in development; and (2) share good practices and discuss how ADB can strengthen Its role as a knowledge Institution and provider; and (3) facilitate learning of new and innovative techniques to "create" and "apply" knowledge in development.

Represented by Jayne Musumba, Principal Knowledge Management officer, IDEV contributed to the Forum’s session titled “Knowledge and Innovation in Development Organizations” by presenting some of IDEV ongoing and planned KM activities and how these support the overarching knowledge strategy of the African Development Bank as well as its work to support the Bank’s innovation agenda.

The Forum also focused on the following topics:  knowledge to action - how to ensure that ADB strengthens and leverages its research capacity for high quality advice and both technical and financial support to its Developing Member Countries (DMCs); and Breaking knowledge silos - how to promote, share, and disseminate knowledge across the institution; and how to create and expand knowledge partnerships for results.

ADB Knowledge Forum 2018 also enabled discussion around sub topics - of interest to development practitioners working for financial development institutions - such as: KM strategies, organizational culture, tacit knowledge, co-creation, innovation, incentives and rewards, mind set shift, explicit knowledge, learning from failures, learning from past and future, creating spaces to facilitate knowledge sharing, foresight thinking, future literate, finance for future, Artificial Intelligence and robotics.

Another edition of this knowledge event for development organizations KM experts is scheduled to take place in 2019.

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