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Vendredi, 1 mai, 2015

The original intent of the African Development Bank (AfDB)’s Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP) for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was to improve access to rural water supply and sanitation services and thereby contribute to the achievement of water related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Implemented in a phased manner since 2006, it represents a major water supply and sanitation program ever implemented in Ethiopia.  Back in 2005, the AfDB approved a grant amount equivalent to Ethiopian Birr (ETB) 1,013 million to finance this program. With the program due to end in 2014 and close to 100 % disbursed, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) function of the AfDB decided in 2014 to assess its impact.

Central to this evaluation is the provision of credible estimates of development impacts of AfDB-supported rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene interventions at the level of targeted communities and households.

Expected to be delivered in 2015, this evaluation will also assess the sustainability of its development results. In addition, the evaluation will seek to not only formulate recommendations to improve future impact but also serves as a learning opportunity for all major stakeholders. These are the Government of Ethiopia (GoE), civil society, AfDB Senior Management, the Independent Development Evaluation Department (IDEV) and other donor and agencies involved in similar work in the region.

  • Approach paper
  • Task Manager - Rita Tesselaar
  • Co-Task Manager - Foday Turay (Chief Evaluation Officer), Email: f.turay@afdb.org, Tel: +225 20263257
  • Co-Task Manager – Girma Kumba Earo (Principal Evaluation Officer), Email:g.kumbi@afdb.org, Tel: +22520263967