Hosted under the theme “Speaking Truth to Power”, the 32nd Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association was held from 29 October to 3 November 2018 in Cleveland, Ohio in the United States.
Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank participated in this major conference for evaluation professionals, and presented the methodology and findings of its thematic evaluation on Agricultural Value Chains Development in Africa.
From a development perspective, Agricultural Value Chains are important not only in developing sustainable agricultural systems, but also in alleviating poverty, promoting financial inclusion -especially of the rural poor-, and enhancing country export competitiveness. Furthermore, agriculture being the backbone of many economies in Africa, the African Development Bank plans to invest over USD 24 billion over the next ten years into this sector. Against this background, IDEV undertook an evaluation of the Bank’s support for agricultural value chains development, assessing the Bank’s agricultural portfolio during the period 2005-2016.
Girma Earo Kumbi, principal evaluation officer at IDEV participated in the panel session titled "Experiences in evaluating international development support to agricultural value chains for poverty reduction" where he shared with the conference participants the methodology used, key findings and lessons learned from the evaluation. The session also featured the International Fund for the Agricultural Development (IFAD) Independent Evaluation Unit corporate level evaluation on IFAD’s engagement in pro-poor value chain development.
Aside from evaluators, NGO professionals, university professors and students attended the conference.
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