eVal Matters Blog

IDEV's flagship blog


Regional integration is generally defined as a process whereby countries give up some of their national sovereignty to address specific issues, which often relate to economics but that can also be political, monetary or social. It generally involves the establishment of supranational institutions and the ratification of treaties, which set the rules, objectives and timeframe for integration. Through such agreements, national authorities give regional institutions the necessary means to carry out its mission on behalf of all participating countries.


Calls for governments, development partners, and the private sector to step-up efforts in achieving Africa’s transformative agenda is reverberating. In particular, the adoption of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the same year, 2015, have been widely praised for having the ‘special powers’ to take Africa to the promise land of zero poverty and hunger, highly skilled human capital, and better infrastructure.

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