
Leveraging knowledge from completed evaluations and meaningfully applying it in operational processes is critical to encouraging positive change in development organizations. Lessons from evaluations, if properly taken into account and integrated into new policies, strategies, projects and processes, will help to improve the quality of design and implementation, make interventions more effective, efficient and sustainable, and ultimately strengthen development impact.


 Agriculture remains a priority sector in Malawi’s pursuit of economic transformation and poverty reduction, and the importance of irrigation in agricultural intensification is emphasized in the country’s development strategies such as the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II and III. The Independent Development Evaluation has conducted an evaluation of the African Development Bank’s support to two irrigation infrastructure development projects in Malawi of UA 15 million each, completed in 2014 and 2017, respectively.


In order to inform The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) future strategy in Malawi, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) has carried out an evaluation of the Country Strategy and Program of the Bank, covering the period 2005-2016. In that timeframe, the AfDB financed 46 projects across several sectors in Malawi, namely, agriculture, environment, governance, public finance, budget support and private sector development, power, health, education, water and sanitation, and transport, for a total amount of USD 576 Million.


This Country Report has been prepared by Fiscus Limited, UK, in collaboration with Mokoro Ltd, Oxford, as one of three country reports in the Joint Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform, managed by the African Development Bank, Denmark and Sweden. The evaluation looked at two main questions: (i) where and why do Public Finance Management (PFM) reforms deliver results and (ii) where and how does donor support to PFM reform efforts contribute most effectively to results ?

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