Burundi: Evaluation of African Development Bank Strategies and Programmes in Burundi 2004-2015

Date: 15/09/2016
Type: Country strategy and program evaluation
Status: Completed

This document is a summary of the main findings of the evaluation of the African Development Bank’s strategy in Burundi during the 2004–2015 period. The evaluation was initiated and carried out by the Bank’s Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) Department.
Regarding methodology, the evaluation focused on 18 evaluation issues. Special attention was paid to Burundi’s context of fragility, factors of fragility, and the trend and reflection of such factors in Bank strategies. Fifteen completed projects were thoroughly analysed and were the subject of outcome evaluation reports. These projects sought to support the development of economic infrastructure, the strengthening of economic governance and social inclusion.
The evaluation was carried out within a difficult context marked by growing political and economic instability from the second quarter of 2015, impeding the fielding of a mission for data collection and making it difficult to analyse project outcomes and their sustainability. However, the fielding of a launching mission in April 2015 and the organization of a video conference workshop involving key stakeholders in November 2015 complemented documentary sources. However, the impact of the current situation on the achievements made so far and on their sustainability is still largely unknown and could be very negative.