Evaluation of the Bank's Assistance to Madagascar, 2002 - 2012

Date: 01/10/2014
Type: Country strategy and program evaluation
Country(ies): Madagascar
Sector(s): Economic & Financial Governance, Urban Development, Environment
Topic(s): Capital Increase
Ref.: CA10049

Evaluation Team

This report was prepared by Herimandimby Razafindramanana, Chief Evaluation Officer, under the supervision of Samer Hachem, Division Manager, with the support of a team comprising Clement Banse, Evaluation Officer, Bilal Bagayoko, Research Assistant, and three Consultants – Mamadi Camara, aurence Jacquet and Alain Rakotomavo. Publication of the report was coordinated by Felicia Avwontom, Principal Knowledge Management Officer.


This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s assistance in Madagascar during the 2002–2012 period and its contribution to the country’s development. The aim is to draw useful lessons to be used in preparing the Bank’s next Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Madagascar and improve future operations. The underlying issues of the evaluation are relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and the performance of key stakeholders. In addition to literature reviews, the evaluation is backed by sector reviews and field visits to projects. It also takes into account the completion report of the CSP 2005–2009. Its provisional outcomes were presented and discussed during a participatory consultative workshop of all stakeholders held in Madagascar in November 2013.