Evaluation Matters Third Quarter 2015 - Emerging Solutions to Development Evaluation Challenges Vol I

Date: 30/09/2015
Type: Evaluation Matters Magazine
Topic(s): Sustainable Development
Status: Completed

In the third and fourth quarter of 2015, Evaluation Matters zooms on some of the solutions to emerging development challenges.The global development architecture changed significantly in 2015. The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted, a new and ambitious climate change agreement was reached in Paris and there was a shift of paradigm in financing development. After a year of hectic activities, a 2016-2020 robust global evaluation agenda was also adopted.These changes present opportunities and challenges not only for evaluation practitioners but also development actors. By focusing on emerging issues in development evaluation, eVALUatiOn Matters seeks to highlight cutting edge solutions to challenges faced by practitioners. Contributions from leading thinkers in the field provide broad insights into some of these issues.