Fostering Inclusive Finance in Africa: An Evaluation of the Bank’s Microfinance Policy, Strategy and Operations, 2000 - 2012

Date: 15/10/2014
Type: Thematic evaluation
Sector(s): Economic & Financial Governance, Finance, Microfinance, Private Sector
Status: Completed
Ref.: TR10020

Evaluation Team

This summary report was prepared by Albert-Enéas Gakusi, Chief Evaluation Officer, Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), African Development Bank, and Alice Nègre and Kathryn Imboden, Consultants in Inclusive Finance. Mayada El-Zoghbi, Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), provided continuous and invaluable technical contribution to the evaluation. Overall guidance was provided by Rakesh Nangia, Evaluator General (IDEV), and Mohamed Manai, Division Manager (IDEV).


The evaluation assesses:

  1. the extent to which the Bank’s microfinance vision, policies and strategies are clear and relevant in order for the Bank’s activities in this sector to contribute to its objective of economic growth and poverty reduction;
  2. the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the Bank’s microfinance projects ;
  3. the performance of the various intervention models; and 
  4. the appropriateness of the Bank’s institutional arrangements and staffing to deliver microfinance projects.

The evaluation is based on a thorough analysis of the following sources of information:

  • a literature review;
  • a survey and interviews with executive directors, managers, and task managers;
  • a benchmark exercise and interviews with peer institutions;
  • a seminar in July 2013 to discuss the emerging findings from the desk review; and;
  • seven country case studies covering public and private microfinance projects, standalone and components, and different models of intervention.