Ghana: Review of Bank Assistance To Water Sector, 1978-2004

Date: 14/12/2005
Type: Country strategy and program evaluation
Sector(s): Water & Sanitation
Status: Completed
Ref.: CA10039

Evaluation Team

This Report was prepared by Mr. Sahle Sisay, Water and Sanitation Engineer (Consultant) under the overall supervision of Mrs. G. Yirga-Hall following their mission to Ghana in Aug./Sept. 2004.


The objective of the review is primarily to evaluate the outcomes of the Bank’s lending and non-lending activities in the Water Sector of Ghana and the extent they have been guided by the Country’s and the Bank’s strategies. It also assesses the contribution of the interventions towards meeting development objectives in general and poverty reduction in particular.

Main Lessons

  • Effective tripartite partnership amongst the communities, government at different levels, and the independent service providers can enhance success rate of projects.

Main Recommendations

Recommendation(s) to the Bank:

  • Support the on going institutional restructuring efforts of the Government particularly relating to sanitation services through effective capacity building programs.
  • Enhance non-lending activities in order to effectively participate in dialogues with other development partners.