ONGOING: Evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Portfolio Review and Restructuring Policy

Date: 18/09/2019
Type: Corporate evaluation
Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is carrying out a corporate evaluation of the African Development Bank Group (“the Bank”)’s portfolio review and restructuring policy and its subsequent guidelines, over the period 2011-2019. The evaluation will distill findings and draw lessons from the portfolio review and restructuring practices of the Bank, as they have evolved over the years, as well as from the experience of similar organizations. The evaluation, which focuses on the portfolio level, is complementary to a recent IDEV evaluation of the Quality of Supervision and Exit of the Bank’s Operations, which mostly focused on individual projects.

The purpose of the evaluation is to inform the planned revision of the Bank’s Portfolio Review and Restructuring Policy, which dates back to 1995, and the related guidelines.

The evaluation will assess the relevance and effectiveness of the Bank’s institutional framework for portfolio review and restructuring, both for sovereign and non-sovereign portfolios. It will examine the portfolio review approach and practices at both the country and the regional levels and assess their effectiveness as a dialogue tool to ensure the delivery of the Bank’s program in its Regional Member Countries.

The evaluation will employ a theory of change approach. It will gather information through document reviews, key informant interviews and stakeholder consultations, field visits and benchmarking against similar organizations. The evaluation will build on different methodological components such as policy review, comparative analysis, review of portfolio review reports, and country/regional case studies.

Co-Task Managers:   Girma E. Kumbi and Samson K. Houetohossou

Task team member: Bilal Bagayoko