The transition to Green Growth is one of the two overarching objectives of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or the Bank) Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022. In order to improve the performance of the Bank in terms of mainstreaming Green Growth and climate change considerations into its strategies and operations, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is conducting an evaluation of the Bank’s interventions in this area between 2008 and 2018. The evaluation will examine the Bank’s processes and institutional arrangements for mainstreaming green growth, and will seek to compare the performance of strategies and operations in which green growth has been mainstreamed with those where it has not. An analysis of the available data shows that projects including or addressing Green Growth and climate change represent a considerable proportion of the Bank’s overall portfolio for the period between 2008 and 2018 (comprising 43% of the total number of projects and 57.6% of approved amounts).
The evaluation will measure the extent to which the Bank has integrated Green Growth and climate change initiatives into its management, vision, policies, strategies, operations and processes to learn and improve going forward. In order to do so, this evaluation aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To help the Bank overcome strategic, conceptual and implementation challenges associated with Green Growth and climate change interventions in Regional Member Countries (RMCs).
- To influence the future strategic decisions and implementation plans.
- To provide Senior Management and the Board of Directors with recommendations to improve decision-making with regard to Green Growth and climate change.
The evaluation is based on a "Theory of Change" approach, which takes into account the Bank's Green Growth and climate change interventions in developing countries and determines the extent to which results have been achieved and have contributed to sustainable development. It also explores the reasons for success or failure in achieving development results.
The evaluation will be conducted using the OECD’s DAC criteria for evaluating development assistance, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. The evaluation will also analyze the performance of the Bank and RMCs in terms of their interventions in the area of Green Growth and climate change. The evaluation consists of five stages: (a)Document reviews and interviews at headquarters and in the field; (b) Country case studies; (c) Project case studies; (d) Cluster evaluations by sector; and (e) Summary report.
The evaluation will rely on a variety of documents and data from inside and outside the Bank. In particular, it will examine the policies, strategies, sectors and operations that are related to Green Growth and climate change.
Task Manager: Mabarakissa Diomande, Senior Evaluation Officer
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Green_Growth_Evaluation_Inception Report.pdf | 2.15 MB |