Evaluation Team
This evaluation was conducted by Centennial International Group, under the leadership of Anil Sood and Amnon Golan. The evaluation was guided by Rafika Amira, Principal Evaluation Officer, with the support of Clement Banse, Evaluation Officer, and Erika MacLaughlin (consultant).
It was overseen by Samer Hachem, Division Manager. Peer-reviewers included Bruce Murray (external), Penelope Jackson, Principal Evaluation Officer, and Girma Earo Kumbi, Evaluation Officer. Publication of the report was coordinated by Felicia Avwontom, Principal Knowledge Management Officer.
This report presents the findings of the independent evaluation of the quality at entry of country and regional integration strategies. The purpose of this evaluation is two-fold: (1) assess the quality at entry of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and Regional Integration Strategy Papers (RISPs) and whether it has improved since the last independent quality at entry exercise (QAE1) undertaken in 2008 - 2009 (retrospective); and (2) to suggest potential improvements to the Bank’s design process for its country/regional strategies in light of the Bank’s Ten-year strategy (prospective).