In 2006, the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved funding of USD 84m for Phase I of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (RWSSP) in the United Republic of Tanzania. Phase II of AfDB funding, contributing USD 65m, ran from 2011 to 2015. The RWSSP is a contribution to Component 2 (Rural Water Supply and Sanitation) of the national Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP), 2006 – 2025. The United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) is another major contributor to this component. The Independent development Evaluation (IDEV) of the AfDB commissioned this impact evaluation of the RWSSP; effectively Component 2 of the WSDP, Phase I, with the purpose of:
- Providing credible information on the emerging impact of the RWSSP to relevant Ministries and agencies of the GOT, the Board of the Bank and DPs.;
- Providing relevant lessons and recommendations to the GOT, Bank management (including the Water and Sanitation Department) and DPs for sustaining the RWSSP’s benefits, and for informing the design and implementation of Phase 2 of the WSDP;
- Helping IDEV build the evidence for its 2015 Tanzania Country Strategy Paper evaluation and water supply and sanitation thematic evaluation.