The African Development Bank’s Evaluation Results Database (EVRD) collects all the Bank’s evaluation documents and results (findings, lessons and recommendations) in one central system. Fully bilingual (English and French), the database allows the user to quickly find, organize and export evaluation data. These lessons, recommendations, findings and ratings are produced during the self- and independent evaluation exercises of the AfDB’s programs, projects, policies and strategies. The database is maintained by Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) as part of its mandate to promote learning and an evaluation culture within and outside of the African Development Bank.
Launched in 2012, the EVRD is an open source platform accessible to all, and provides quick and easy access to all the Bank’s evaluative knowledge. It contains the findings, ratings, lessons learned, and recommendations of all Bank self-evaluations (Project Completion Reports and Extended Supervision Reports), IDEV’s validation of these PCRs and XSRs, and independent evaluations conducted by IDEV to date.
Currently, the database is home to 1654 evaluation documents, 4941 lessons learned and 5708 recommendations, available in English and French, to inform future Bank operations, policies and strategies. Most recently, IDEV validated 152 PCRs from 2016-2017, and these validation notes are also available and accessible on the platform.
To access the EVRD, please visit:
Should you encounter any technical difficulties using the platform, please contact: Souleymane Ben Daouda Dieye at