For Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), 2019 was a year of helping the African Development Bank Group (“the Bank”) and its Regional Member Countries to transform experience into knowledge and learning through independent evaluations, and supporting them to achieve their development goals through the lens of the AfDB’s High 5 Priorities, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the African Union Agenda 2063. IDEV delivered 13 evaluation products, conducting and facilitating evaluations, knowledge sharing events, and capacity development activities in more than 26 countries in Africa.
IDEV’s evaluations informed high-level discussions and decisions, such as those on the Bank’s 7th General Capital Increase and the 15th replenishment of the African Development Fund. It also introduced new evaluation products that responded to the Board of Directors’ and Bank Management’s expressed knowledge needs, and its evaluations contributed to the continuous improvement by the Bank of its systems, processes and mechanisms for delivering on its mandate.
IDEV’s work not only contributed to strengthening the efforts of the Bank, but also contributed to the entire evaluation community, by providing an opportunity to learn from experience and to plan and deliver development results to the highest possible standards. Promoting a culture of knowledge sharing and learning, strengthening the evaluation capacity of stakeholders, and developing strategic partnerships on the continent and beyond continued to be priorities in 2019.
“Going forward, I believe it is essential to work with the Board and Bank Management to create a culture of results measurement that feeds back into decision-making and helps drive the AfDB’s and the continent’s transformation. Helping the institution to learn from experience is the first step. In 2020, we look forward to helping it turn that knowledge into action,” the new Evaluator-General, Roland Michelitsch, said.
Find out more and download the report from the 2019 Annual Report webpage