Translating commitments into actions - Engagement of the Parliament of Tanzania in the development of a National Evaluation Policy

Monday, 29 April, 2019

On the 27-28 April 2019 the Parliament of Tanzania and the Tanzania Evaluation Association (TanEA) invited Hon. Evelyn Mpagi-Kaabule, the Vice president of the African Parliamentarians' Network on Development Evaluation (APNODE) to a two day workshop focused on supporting the Parliament of Tanzania translate the commitments made in the Yaoundé Declaration into action.  Attended by 56 parliamentarians from 12 parliamentary committees, the workshop was chaired by Hon. Immaculate Sware Semesi - Secretary of the APNODE National Chapter of Tanzania and Dr. Francis Mwaijande – Chairman of TanEA.

Based on her experience in capacity development evaluation, Hon. Evelyn Mpagi Kaabule shared with the Tanzanian Parliamentarians committees the role of evaluative thinking during legislative oversight and the role of evaluation for oversight functions. In addition to the above, the APNODE's Vice Chair, in collaboration with Mr. Asela Kalugampitiya - Secretariat for the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (GPFE) deliberated on the engagement of parliamentarians in the process of developing a National Evaluation Policy for Tanzania. 

The APNODE National Chapter of Tanzania, was given the leadership to develop a road map for the National Evaluation Policy. In order to get buy-in from Government, the Speaker of Parliament availed himself to provide guidance throughout the developmental process of the Evaluation policy.

During the meeting, participants openly discussed and agreed on the ways forward. The APNODE Tanzania  National Chapter, will take lead in convening further deliberations with extended members on the roadmap and concept note for the development of a national evaluation policy. In order to gain a stronger leadership in the Parliament, the APNODE Tanzania will follow up with the Speaker to get his guidance and support for the next steps.