This evaluation is a product of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). Lack of access to electricity is a major constraint to economic growth and increased welfare in developing countries. This has been reemphasized by the United Nations and the World Bank Group as co-chairs of the global Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, which was launched in 2011, with the goal of achieving universal access to energy within the next 15 years, along with improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy.
Learning from the African Development Bank and the World Bank Evaluations
What will it take to achieve “Electricity for All” by 2030?
Highlights of IEG’s Evaluation of Bank Group’s Support for Electricity Access, FY2000-FY2014
President Adesina has underscored the need to LIGHT UP AND POWER AFRICA, making the energy/electricity challenge in Africa one of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) top five priorities. This is not surprising since of the 1.1 billion people around the world who lack access, almost 600 million are in Sub-Saharan Africa