Evaluation Briefs

Date: 16/09/2014

Transport in Africa: The African Development Bank’s Intervention and Results for the Last Decade

Transport infrastructure development continues to be the main priority underpinning the African Development Bank’s assistance. Between 2000 and 2011, AfDB commitments to the transport sector increased more than six-fold, from UA 150 million to approximately UA 1 billion.

Evaluation Brief File size
2014 Transport Evaluation - Brief Key findings.pdf 538.73 KB
Date: 31/12/2013

Institutional support projects in the governance sector 2002-2012

This summary report was prepared by Penelope Jackson, under the guidance of Odille Keller and Samer Hachem Managers of OPEV 2 and under the overall leadership of Rakesh Nangia, Head of Operations Evaluation at the African Development Bank. The OPEV team was composed of Penelope Jackson and Samson Houetohossou.

Date: 17/04/2013

Trust Fund Management at the African Development Bank

This evaluation reviews the establishment and implementation of 28 bilateral and thematic trust funds monitored and partly administered by the Bank’s Partnerships and Cooperation Unit (ORRU). The evaluation assesses the procedural effectiveness of the implementation of the Trust Funds: it attempts to set forth the scope and scale of the procedural issues; distinguish at what stage in the process problems are most critical; and identify the key factors behind the problems and the implications for policy, process, organizational structure and human resource reforms

Date: 16/04/2013

Independent Evaluation of Non-Sovereign Operations, 2006 - 2011

This report reviews the performance of the Bank in respect of its private sector operations, by assessing its effectiveness in growing and managing the portfolio of investments, and by evaluating the development contribution of the projects it has supported. It is based on the Bank’s portfolio of 137 investments that were approved by the Board between 2006 and 2011, and which account for a total approved investment volume of UA 3.9 billion, of which UA 3.5 billion is committed. Additionally, the review makes reference to 38 TA interventions approved over the same period, though these were not evaluated individually.
