Transport infrastructure development continues to be the main priority underpinning the African Development Bank’s assistance. Between 2000 and 2011, AfDB commitments to the transport sector increased more than six-fold, from UA 150 million to approximately UA 1 billion. This level of financial commitment is greater than that for any other sector, representing nearly a quarter of the Bank’s total portfolio. The goal of this evaluation is to inform future policy, strategic, and operational directions for the Bank’s assistance in the transport sector by: (i) identifying emerging trends in the sector; (ii) assessing how the Bank has responded to these trends; (iii) taking stock of the results of the Bank’s assistance; and (iv) drawing lessons for future work. It combines the two objectives of evaluation: (i) accountability, through determining the extent to which the Bank’s activities have contributed to the development of the transport sector in Regional Member Countries (RMCs); and (ii) learning, though the identification of best practices and lessons learned to be carried forward to future projects.