Evaluation Briefs

Tracking the implementation of recommendations from independent evaluations is a good practice recognized among development institutions. Like other multilateral development banks, the African Development Bank (AfDB or “the Bank”) has a Management Action Record System (MARS) to monitor and report on actions committed to by Bank Management in response to recommendations from the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) department.


This report presents the findings and recommendations as well as lessons learned from an independent evaluation of the quality of project supervision and exit processes of the African Development Bank Group. It covers both public and private sector operations during the period 2012-2017.


Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank (AfDB) has conducted an evaluation of the Bank’s Country Strategy and Program (CSP) in Eswatini for 2009-2018. The evaluation covered a Bank portfolio of 14 projects representing a total of UA 119 million in seven sectors: (i) agriculture; (ii) water supply and sanitation; (iii) transport; (iv) finance; (v) power/energy; (vi) environment; and (vii) multi-sector (governance).


This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the independent evaluation of Quality Assurance across the Project Cycle for both public and private sector operations of the African Development Bank Group (the Bank), during the period 2012-2017. The evaluation builds upon two stand-alone evaluations: (i) Quality at Entry and (ii) Quality of Supervision and Exit of Bank Group Operations. It also analyzes the quality assurance processes for compliance with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS).


In order to inform The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) future strategy in Malawi, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) has carried out an evaluation of the Country Strategy and Program of the Bank, covering the period 2005-2016. In that timeframe, the AfDB financed 46 projects across several sectors in Malawi, namely, agriculture, environment, governance, public finance, budget support and private sector development, power, health, education, water and sanitation, and transport, for a total amount of USD 576 Million.


In 2017, IDEV undertook an evaluation of the Bank’s support for agricultural value chains development (AVCD), assessing the agricultural portfolio during the period 2005-2016, amounting to approximately UA 3.1 billion. The objectives of the evaluation were to: i) assess the relevance, inclusiveness, effectiveness, and sustainability of the Bank’s support to value chains development; and ii) provide lessons and recommendations for the implementation and design of agricultural value chains interventions associated with the Feed Africa Strategy.


The Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank has undertaken an evaluation of the Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF), a ten-year program established in 2008. The CBFF aims at alleviating poverty and mitigating climate change by reducing the rate of deforestation in the Congo Basin through the efficient management of its forest resources.


This report provides a summary of the findings of the Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (RISP). This evaluation is timely as it will inform the preparation of the new Eastern Africa RISP. As such, the objective of the evaluation is two-fold: 1) assess the extent to which development results have been achieved in the context of the RISP; and 2) suggest potential improvements that will feed into and help guide the preparation of the next Regional Integration Strategy (RIS).



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