Evaluation Highlights

Date: 10/04/2018

Powering Africa through interconnection: cluster evaluation report

The evaluation of AfDB-funded power interconnection projects covers a cluster of energy sector operations approved by the Bank during the period 1999-2013. The selection of power interconnection was driven by the fact that it can significantly contribute to regional integration and help reduce the cost of electricity generation, thereby improving the overall energy supply in Africa. During the period under study, the Bank approved 48 projects related to power interconnection, amounting to UA 822 million.

Evaluation Brief File size
Power Interconnection - Highlight EN.pdf 240.45 KB
Date: 10/04/2018

Spurring local socio-economic development through rural electrification: cluster evaluation

This cluster evaluation assesses the effectiveness of 6 out of the 18 rural electrification investment projects funded by the African Development Bank between 1999 and 2013, amounting to about USD 290 million. The projects cover five countries: Benin, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Mozambique and Tunisia. The selection of rural electrification as one of the evaluation themes is due to the fact that it has a pronounced impact on the majority of Africans living in rural and sub-urban areas.

Evaluation Brief File size
Rural Electrification - Highlight (En).pdf 245.38 KB
Date: 25/01/2018

Cote d' Ivoire: Evaluation of the Bank Strategy and Program 2006-2016

This document summarizes the main observations following the evaluation of the African Development Bank’s strategy and program in Côte d’Ivoire for the 2006-2016 period. In terms of methodology, the evaluation was based on 10 evaluative questions and two crosscutting analyses: 1) the identification of fragility factors and the Bank’s response to them and 2) the choice of financing arrangements to support the Bank’s intervention in Côte d’ Ivoire.

Supporting material

Evaluation Brief File size
CSPE - Côte d'ivoire - Highlight (En) - [web].pdf 377.34 KB
Date: 24/03/2017

DRC : Evaluation of the Bank's Country Strategy and Program 2004-2015

This evaluation, initiated and conducted by Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), is part of a comprehensive evaluation of the development results (CEDR) of the Bank.

Evaluation Brief File size
DRC Highlight - En - [web].pdf 605.66 KB
