Evaluation Highlights

Date: 08/09/2015

SME: Evaluation of Bank Assistance 2006-2013

This evaluation reviews the assistance provided by the African Development Bank (the Bank) to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from 2006 to 2013. The evaluation assessed the relevance, additionality, effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency of SME assistance operations, as well as the Bank’s approach to SME development. The exercise involved a combination of desk work, including review of all relevant documents from various sources, and field work, including missions to six countries (Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Tanzania, Togo, and Zambia).

Evaluation Brief File size
IDEV SME Highlight_WEB.PDF 256.49 KB
Date: 01/09/2015

Cameroon: Country Strategy and Program Evaluation Summary

 This evaluation examines the Bank Group’s assistance to Cameroon over the 2004–2013 period as well as its contribution to the country’s development. Its aim is to draw relevant lessons to help improve future strategy and operations.

The evaluation is based on a document review, sector evaluations and discussions with stakeholders. It focuses on transport, energy, water and sanitation and governance, the priorities of the Country Strategy Papers (CSPs).

Evaluation Brief File size
2015 Cameroon Country Strategy Evaluation Highlight.pdf 279.31 KB
Date: 01/10/2014

Evaluation of the Bank's Assistance to Madagascar, 2002 - 2012

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s assistance in Madagascar during the 2002–2012 period and its contribution to the country’s development. The underlying issues of the evaluation are relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and the performance of key stakeholders. In addition to literature reviews, the evaluation is backed by sector reviews and field visits to projects. It also takes into account the completion report of the CSP 2005–2009.
