Evaluation Matters Magazine


Date: 18/03/2018

Editorial Calendar 2018

IDEV is pleased to share its editorial calendar for Evaluation Matters 2018/19.  Editors welcome topical articles from writers’ original work and will be pleased to consider contributions for the themes below for Q3 and Q4 2018 and Q1 and Q2 2019, up to the closing date for each quarterly edition.   

Date: 31/01/2018

Evaluation as a Driver of Reform in IFIs

What is the added value of independent evaluation focused not on projects and programs but on organizations themselves? Does it help organizations deliver more and better? Does evaluation evidence have any impact on the way development organizations are managing themselves? In this edition of Evaluation Matters, find the answers to all these questions and many more.

Date: 30/09/2017

Evaluation in the era of the SDGs

This Third Quarter 2017 issue of Evaluation Matters is dedicated to evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It discusses the consequences of the paradigm shift from the MDGs to the SDGs and what the world of evaluation should do differently in this new era. Evaluation is acknowledged in Agenda 2030 as crucial to the follow-up and review processes for SDG progress, and evaluators can, and should, make a real difference to SDG achievements by helping point in the right direction for investment efforts.

Date: 30/06/2017

The Comprehensive Evaluation of Development Results: Behind the Scenes

This edition of eVALUation Matters focuses on the CEDR exercise – a consultative, iterative process which prioritized the engagement and involvement of all key stakeholders throughout the exercise in order to mitigate the effects of the key challenges involved in such a complicated undertaking.

Date: 30/03/2017

The Problem with Development Evaluation and what to do about it

Development evaluation has become a strategic tool that provides a basis for organizational learning and decision-making. Organizations are better able to reflect upon their work and improve upon their future initiatives. However, learning and decision making based on evaluations continues to be a challenge for many development programs and organizations. 

Date: 30/12/2016

Evaluation Matters Fourth Quarter 2016 - Evaluation Week

Achieving transformation requires not only investment and policy, but also a profound change in mindset. With this in mind, the IDEV team organized the AfDB 2016 Development Evaluation Week on the theme of Transformation of Africa. This edition of Evaluation Matters captures the images, debates, and words of the wisdom from the experts present during the event.
