
Date: 07/03/2017
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana : Evaluation of the Bank's Country Strategy and Program 2002-2015

The African Development Bank Country Strategy and Program Evaluation (CSPE) in Ghana was initiated as part of IDEV’s Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bank's Development Results (CEDR), among 15 other countries over the period of 2004-2014. The Bank’s operations in Ghana represent a significant part of the Bank’s portfolio.

Date: 27/02/2017
Regional integration strategy evaluation

Independent Evaluation of the Bank's Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy

This report provides a summary of the findings of the Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (RISP). This evaluation is timely as it will inform the preparation of the new Eastern Africa RISP. As such, the objective of the evaluation is two-fold: 1) assess the extent to which development results have been achieved in the context of the RISP; and 2) suggest potential improvements that will feed into and help guide the preparation of the next Regional Integration Strategy (RIS).

Date: 31/01/2017
Country strategy and program evaluation

South Africa : Evaluation of the Bank's Country Strategy and Program 2004-2015

This report summarizes the findings of the independent evaluation of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or Bank) Country Strategy and Program in South Africa for the period 2004 to 2015. The evaluation is intended to inform the next country strategy paper (CSP) due in 2018; and to contribute to accountability and learning. To provide solid evidence for its findings, the evaluation included thorough project assessments as well as review of the broader portfolio of strategies and of non-lending activities.

Date: 01/12/2016
Country strategy and program evaluation

Mozambique: Country Case Study for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bank's Development Results 2004-2013 Summary Report

The evaluative case study of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or the Bank) strategy and program in Mozambique over 2004-2013 was undertaken with the primary purpose to inform the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bank’s Development Results (CEDR). The methodology used to provide solid evidence for its findings include thorough project assessments, reviews of the broader portfolio of strategies and of non-lending activities, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions during field visits to selected projects sites.

Date: 09/11/2016
Corporate evaluation

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development Results of the African Development Bank Group 2004-2013

The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development Results (CEDR) of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB, or Bank) aims to provide an independent, credible and evidence-based assessment of development results achieved by the Bank between 2004 and 2013. It seeks to answer three questions: (1) Has the Bank achieved its objectives? (2) Has the Bank proposed results-focused strategies and programs? And, (3) Has the Bank emerged as a valued partner at country level?

Date: 21/10/2016
Evaluation synthesis

Towards Private Sector Led Growth: Lessons of Experience

This synthesis outlines the key findings of 33 evaluations of support for private sector development (PSD) undertaken by bilateral and multilateral institutions over the past five years. The purpose of the synthesis is to inform the strategic direction, design, and implementation of future PSD initiatives so as to leverage the sector’s role in spurring economic growth and advancing development effectiveness in Africa.
