
Date: 02/02/2006
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Country Assistance Evaluation, 1998-2003

The report evaluates the Bank Group assistance to the Republic of Ghana in line with recommendations of the ADF VII-IX and OPEV’s core mandate. The Ghana Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) takes the country as a unit of analysis and attempts to evaluate the Bank Group's assistance to Ghana from 1996 to 2004, using the Bank's country strategy asa point of reference. The evaluation covers three Country Strategy Papers. These are: Country Strategy Paper 1 (1996 - 1998) (CSP1); Country Strategy Paper 2 (1999 - 2001) (CSP2); and Country Strategy Paper 3 (2002 - 2004) (CSP3). Collectively, in the 3 CSPs, the Bank approved loans and grants totalling UA376.5 million (net of cancellations) to Ghana.

Date: 20/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Morocco: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the transport sector, 1996-2004

The review focused on the 1996-2004 period while taking into consideration the experience of the previous projects implemented. According to OPEV guidelines, the post evaluation criteria are: (i) relevance and assessment of quality at entry, (ii) achievement of objectives and goals ‘efficacy’, (iii) efficiency, (iv) impact on institutional development, (v) sustainability, (vi) performance of the borrower, and (vii) performance of the Bank.

Date: 20/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Morocco: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the telecommunications sector, 1996-2004

The evaluation covered the 1996-2004 period but also took into account the experience of previously completed projects. According to the OPEV guidelines, ex-post-evaluation criteria are as follows: (i) relevance and assessment of quality at the entry, (ii) achieving objectives and “efficacy” goals, (iii) efficiency, (iv) impact on institutional development, (v) sustainability, (vi) borrower performance, and (vii) Bank’s performance

Date: 19/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Maroc : Évaluation de l’assistance de la banque dans le secteur de l’agriculture et du développement, 1996-2004

This evaluation covers the outcomes of the 1996-2004 assistance programme. The Bank has not approved any loan in the sector since 1991. The last project was completed in 2001.

Date: 14/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Review of bank assistance to the agriculture and rural development sector, 1997-2001

This evaluation review covers developments in Ghana’s agriculture and rural development sector overtime. Although the approach of the Study covered the entire Bank Group’s agriculture and rural development sector portfolio, eleven completed projects were reviewed specifically in detail while the on-going eight (8) projects, which were approved between 1997 and 2001, were also reviewed, but in summary form, to reflect the most recent developments in the Bank Group assistance strategy to Ghana’s agricultural sector, and to assess the extent to which lessons and recommendations of past experience have been adapted in the recent Bank Group-funded projects and programmes. Since these projects are still on going and many of them are less than two years into implementation, it is too early to assess project outcome, and therefore, the conclusions on the overall performance assessment of the Bank Group are based on the eleven completed projects.

Date: 14/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Review of bank assistance to the agriculture and rural development sector, 1997-2001

This evaluation review covers developments in Ghana’s agriculture and rural development sector overtime. Although the approach of the Study covered the entire Bank Group’s agriculture and rural development sector portfolio, eleven completed projects were reviewed specifically in detail while the on-going eight (8) projects, which were approved between 1997 and 2001, were also reviewed, but in summary form, to reflect the most recent developments in the Bank Group assistance strategy to Ghana’s agricultural sector, and to assess the extent to which lessons and recommendations of past experience have been adapted in the recent Bank Group-funded projects and programmes. Since these projects are still on going and many of them are less than two years into implementation, it is too early to assess project outcome, and therefore, the conclusions on the overall performance assessment of the Bank Group are based on the eleven completed projects
