The review was based mainly on desk reviews of CPRs prepared from 2000-2004, including reports on World Bank processes, staff interviews, questionnaires and subsequent analysis. The cut-off period of 2000 reflected the preparation of CPR reports since the format reviews of 1999.
This report evaluates Bank Group assistance to Mali for the 1994-2004 period. It was prepared under very difficult conditions. The process, which began in 2002, was suspended after two missions to the country in October and December 2002 due to the poor performance of the team of consultants and relocation of the Bank. These missions resulted in the production of various thematic and sector notes. The evaluation, which resumed in 2004, was entrusted to another team to complete, update and validate the data and analyses for the preparation of an overall evaluation report. Subsequently, the report was re-organized and complemented with the new guidelines on country assistance evaluation formulated at end 2004. The time-table for finalizing this report took into account the need to draw useful lessons and recommendations for the next country strategy paper (CSP).
This report evaluates the Bank Group’s assistance to Mauritania by focusing on the 1994-2004 period. Its preparation was done in two stages: the sector evaluations provided the basis for the overall evaluation at country level, which completed and validated preliminary results of sector reviews. Two sector reviews were prepared on agriculture and rural development and on the social sectors as well as internal notes on the other sectors. The report was restructured following the preparation of new Guidelines for Country Assistance Evaluation at the end of 2004. The timetable for the finalisation of this report took into account its objective to draw lessons and make useful recommendations for the next Country Strategy Paper cycle (CSP).
This report is the intermediate performance evaluation report (PPER) on the secondary roads project in Niger, implemented in two successive phases, each of which received a separate Bank loan. The UA 2.3 million ADF loan for financing the first phase was approved on 25 August 1983 and became effective 17 months later on 3 July 1985. The UA 4.6 million ADF loan to finance the second phase was approved on 18 June 1986 and became effective within the projected timeframe on 25 June 1987.
This abbreviated Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) concerns the evaluation of the El-Beheira rural development project in Egypt. The project, whose total cost was estimated at UA 32.3 million, was identified and prepared by the FAO Investment Centre (FAO/IC) for ADB. Appraised by Bank experts in 1981, the project was financed with ADB and ADF funds to the tune of UA 10 million and UA 8 million respectively.
The Energy Impact Study covered the sixteen projects listed in the Basic Project Data section of this report. The time period covered by them was twenty-four years; loan approval for the earliest project falling within the scope of the mission was granted in 1973 and the completion report for the last was produced in 1997.