Ongoing Evaluations

Date: 24/05/2019

ONGOING: Evaluation of Partnerships at the African Development Bank Group

The African Development Bank Group (“AfDB” or “the Bank”) has acknowledged the importance of partnerships for promoting development effectiveness, and has formulated its partnership goals and objectives in its Ten-Year Strategy (TYS, 2013-2022) as follows: to become a catalyst for development finance, a trusted adviser and a credible knowledge broker.  In this context and considering the central contribution of partnering to the success of the Bank, Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is currently conducting an evaluation that aims to facilitate learning by providing evidence-based kn

Date: 20/05/2019

ONGOING: Mainstreaming Green Growth in the Bank’s Strategies and Operations

The transition to Green Growth is one of the two overarching objectives of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or the Bank) Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022. In order to improve the performance of the Bank in terms of mainstreaming Green Growth and climate change considerations into its strategies and operations, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is conducting an evaluation of the Bank’s interventions in this area between 2008 and 2018.
