Energy & Power

The evaluation of the energy governance cluster Program Based Operations (PBOs) is one of seven components of a broader evaluation on the use of PBOs by the AfDB in 2012-2017. This evaluation examines eight PBOs focused on energy, which the AfDB approved and implemented in five countries (Angola, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Nigeria and Tanzania). The objective of this cluster evaluation is to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the eight PBOs, synthesize the results and draw relevant lessons for the future design and management of PBOs by the Bank.


The evaluation of AfDB-funded power interconnection projects covers a cluster of energy sector operations approved by the Bank during the period 1999-2013. The selection of power interconnection was driven by the fact that it can significantly contribute to regional integration and help reduce the cost of electricity generation, thereby improving the overall energy supply in Africa. During the period under study, the Bank approved 48 projects related to power interconnection, amounting to UA 822 million.


This cluster evaluation assesses the effectiveness of 6 out of the 18 rural electrification investment projects funded by the African Development Bank between 1999 and 2013, amounting to about USD 290 million. The projects cover five countries: Benin, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Mozambique and Tunisia. The selection of rural electrification as one of the evaluation themes is due to the fact that it has a pronounced impact on the majority of Africans living in rural and sub-urban areas.


Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is currently conducting an independent evaluation of the African Development Bank Assistance in the energy sector for the period 2000-2014.

Overall, The AfDB committed about UA 7.9 billion over the past 14 years in the energy sector representing the third largest share in the Bank’s overall portfolio.  The energy portfolio increased by more than twentyfold from 2000 to 2013.


The Energy Impact Study covered the sixteen projects listed in the Basic Project Data section of this report. The time period covered by them was twenty-four years; loan approval for the earliest project falling within the scope of the mission was granted in 1973 and the completion report for the last was produced in 1997.


The evaluation is based on findings from the review of documents such as economic prospects and country programming papers (EPCPs); sector and cross cutting policies; country strategy and poverty reduction papers, appraisal reports, project completion reports, and project performance audit/evaluation reports. These findings were supplemented with a field mission to Ghana in order to share the views



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