Energie & électricité

La Zambie possède environ 6 000 MW de ressources hydroélectriques potentielles, dont 1 600 MW environ sont exploités. Une tension récente est apparue sur le niveau de réserves, mais au moment de la conceptualisation du projet, le pays était en position d’exporter ses surplus hydroélectriques et de servir d’axe pour les échanges régionaux d’électricité.


Le projet, consistait à construire un réseau de distribution, composé de : (i) lignes MT (20kV); (ii) postes de transformations MT/BT; (iii) de réseaux BT; (iv) réseaux d’éclairage public et de branchements pour l’alimentation des abonnés; (v) l’acquisition de matériel d’exploitation et de gestion des abonnés; (vi) des prestations d’un ingénieur conseil, control and supervision; and (vii) d’un cabinet d’audit.


Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is currently conducting an independent evaluation of the African Development Bank Assistance in the energy sector for the period 2000-2014.

Overall, The AfDB committed about UA 7.9 billion over the past 14 years in the energy sector representing the third largest share in the Bank’s overall portfolio.  The energy portfolio increased by more than twentyfold from 2000 to 2013.


This evaluation is a product of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). Lack of access to electricity is a major constraint to economic growth and increased welfare in developing countries. This has been reemphasized by the United Nations and the World Bank Group as co-chairs of the global Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, which was launched in 2011, with the goal of achieving universal access to energy within the next 15 years, along with improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy. 


Energy sector experts, donors, and beneficiaries met in Abidjan, Headquarters of the African Development Bank to discuss lessons from independent evaluations of AfDB and World Bank energy sector interventions.

Drawing on evidence from two independent evaluations, stakeholders discussed concrete ways forward in the quest to overcome Africa’s energy challenges—focusing on what works, what does not work, and why. The backdrop for this discussion is the Sustainable Development Goals and the renewed determination to address Africa’s energy challenge once and for all.



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