Between 2008 and 2017, the operations of the African Development Bank (AfDB or the Bank) in Cabo Verde amounted to approximately UA 210 Million (USD 297 Million), including grants provided by the African Water Facility, the Climate Investment Fund, the Middle-Income Countries Trust Fund, and the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.
To inform the Bank’s new country strategy for Cabo Verde, IDEV undertook a country strategy and program evaluation which encompasses two Country Strategy Papers (CSPs): the CSP 2009-2012, extended to 2013, and the CSP 2014-2018. It examines questions such as: To what extent the specific interventions have been relevant to answer the needs of the country? To what extent sustainability issues were considered during the design of the strategy and its monitoring? And to what extent the AfDB strategy in Cabo Verde has been designed to promote Gender Equality and Social Inclusion? The evaluation covers 26 operations, primarily in the areas of governance (both budget support and institutional support projects, including the promotion of Public-Private Partnerships), infrastructure, agriculture/water management, environment, energy and statistics.
In terms of methodology, the evaluation was theory based and comprised three levels of assessment: the Bank’s strategy, the portfolio and the individual interventions. Overall, the Bank’s performance in Cabo Verde during 2008-2017 was rated satisfactory with respect to the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the strategy and individual interventions in the portfolio, and unsatisfactory with respect to efficiency. The evaluation noted that the Bank has been a reliable partner for the Government of Cabo Verde, providing a substantial and continuous source of financial and technical support for governance reforms and infrastructure development. Concerns were raised regarding the timeliness of the implementation of the infrastructure portfolio and the Trust Fund grants. The evaluation also provides valuable lessons and recommendations to the Bank for future engagement with other Middle-Income Countries and Small Island Developing States to strengthen the support of the Bank to Cabo Verde for the future lending cycle.
Evaluation main findings
Evaluation main recommendations
Task Manager: Monica Lomena-Gelis