Evaluation Team
This report was prepared by MM H. RAZAFINDRAMANANA, Evaluation Task Manager, H. ZOUZOU Evaluation Assistant and Mr. Sanou, Consultant.
The objective of the study is to evaluate the Bank assistance to Cameroon and its impact on the country's development in order to draw conclusions and recommendations to improve the assistance. Four Strategy Papers (CSPs) have been produced to guide the actions of the Bank.
Main Lessons
- If relevance is necessary for a successful Bank assistance, it is not however a sufficient condition. Lack of efficiency and reinforced presence and responsiveness reduced the Bank's ability to work effectively with countries and partners. Cooperation has also suffered from lack of ownership of projetcs. All these factors did not favor achieviement of results at level of investments made.
- With regards to Bank support during the structural adjustment process for Cameroon that focused on establishing macroeconomic stability of the country and reduction of poverty, the only major factor of success of the reform programs has been their appropriation by the Government and its political will to implement them
- For the Bank, which operates mainly in the form of projects in Cameroon, it is important to pay more interest to the synergy between the various financing instruments including support for reforms, institution building and the project.
- The lack of good quality ESW by non-compliance with all stages of the project cycle and other preparatory work and by inappropriate skills mix thereto did not allow the Bank to better target its interventions around strategic long-term objectives and improve the quality of projects and programs. Complex components and measures should not be adopted without prior analytical studies.
- Despite the efforts, the lack of a strategic approach to promoting the private sector and a favorable business climate did not favor the revitalization of this sector particularly from the point of view of its investment capacity
- The Bank support to transport infrastructure including transnational contributes to better integration of Cameroon in the subregion
- The performance of the active portfolio can be significantly improved through better engagement of the Government and a close follow-up ban Bank Regional Office. However some generic problems identified by the two parties remain and require in depth effective treatment , to translate into results recurrent recommendations of portfolio reviews and audit reports. The issues of implementation and monitoring can increase or greatly reduce the results, as shown by experience wtih agricultural projects, support for PNG and vocational technical education.
Main Recommendations
Recommendation (s) for the Bank :
- Further improve strategic selectivity, including inside the DSP pillars (for example governance and infrastructure), by deepening the knowledge of economic and industry environment in coordination with other donors, respect for all stages of the project cycle, the appropriate mix of skills of the teams in charge of them in order to ensure maturation of all elements necessary for success of projects / programs as well as buy-in by country, stakeholders and beneficiaries
- Better target, through high quality ESW, selective support for key sectors of the PRSP;
- Improving quality at entry of projects by achieving high quality SEA through respect for all stages of the project / program cycle and other preparatory work and ensure an appropriate mix of skills in the appointed teams
- Limit the number of projects and increase their size in order to improve monitoring and to reduce transaction costs
- Develop and implement a strategic approach to promoting the private sector, competitiveness and diversification of the economy; this strategy should be particularly focused on improving the business climate, funding, support and the private sector upgrading (capacity building, support, advice, training, financial services, public / private partnership)
- Including better support governance reforms in the areas of public resource management, public administration and procurement, paying attention to synergies and the cross-cutting impact of the measures taken;
- Enhance the promotion of regional integration with the appropriate instruments, taking into account the special position of Cameroon in Central Africa
- Fully address persistent portfolio performance problems through effective dialogue, under the leadership of the Yaounde Regional Office. Such efforts should involve all stakeholders and should be based on a common approach stemming from broad consultation at both the country and Bank levels.
- Ensure that the Government strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of the Bank's portfolio
- Pay more attention to the impact of operations on people through a M & E system in place and operational