Tanzania: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the education sector including microfinance project, 1979-2004

Date: 01/11/2005
Type: Country strategy and program evaluation
Country(ies): Tanzania
Sector(s): Education, Economic & Financial Governance
Status: Completed
Ref.: CA10030

Evaluation Team

This report was prepared by Albert-Enéas Gakusi, Principal Evaluation Officer, Operations Evaluation Department (OPEV) and Mr. Thomas O’Brien Kirk, an external consultant from PEMConsult in Denmark, following their mission to Tanzania in December 2004


The evaluation of the education sector has three objectives: a) To assess over the years 1979-2004, the relevance of funded activities through projects; b) to assess the effectivenessof Bank support to the Tanzanian education sector in improving education system delivery, access to educational services, promoting changes in education sector policies and institutional reforms; and c) to identify lessons from experience in order to strengthen the Bank’s future policies and procedures and improve quality of the Bank’s operations.  


 The review critically analyses the extent to which the strategies of lending and nonlending activities of the Bank matched Tanzania’s education priorities. It assesses the impact of the interventions of the Bank in the education sector showing linkages between the goals/objectives and the outcome indicators targeted by the Bank. Thus, findings and recommendations of this review would serve as inputs for the evaluation of the Bank Country Assistance Strategy in Tanzania as well as for future sector evaluation and studies.

Main Lessons

  • A good policy dialogue with development partners may lead to the design and implementation of an innovative project assisting vulnerable, out-of-school children, as demonstrated by the Bank’s ongoing education interventions in Zanzibar.

Main Recommendations

Recommendation(s) to the Beneficiary:

  • The Government should intensify efforts to improve the human resources problem in the sector, including staff accommodation and other incentives, especially in under-privileged areas.
  • The Government should improve its financial arrangements in order to avoid negative effects from user fees on poor families.

Recommendation(s) to the Bank:

  • In order to improve the implementation of future interventions, and to assist Government administration in the sector, the Bank should join the SWAp, participate effectively in the sector policy dialogue and avoid the ongoing problems with low capacitated PIUs.
  • To improve efficiency and impact, the Bank should upgrade its participatory approach in line with its policies, reduce the work load of task managers, as well as increase the quality of its appraisal procedures and the training of staff in implementing agencies.