APNODE Chairperson Participates in the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly

Monday, 7 October, 2019

Hon. Evelyn Mpagi-Kaabule, Chairperson of APNODE, participated in the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic from 30 September-4 October 2019. The event was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and in collaboration with the Czech Evaluation Society. Themed ‘Evaluation for Transformative Change: bringing experiences of the Global South to the Global North’, the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly highlighted how evaluation as a profession contributes to the understanding of the transformative change necessary to solve economic, social and political crises.

Hon. Evelyn Mpagi-Kaabule participated as a panelist in the UNICEF-GPFE session titled ‘Follow-up of the Colombo Declaration of the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (GPFE)’. The session was chaired by Marco Segone, Director Evaluation Office, UNFPA, and included the following: Hon. Natalia Nikitenko (Kyrgyz Republic), Evelyn Naomi Mpagi-Kaabule (APNODE/Uganda), and Mr. Asela Kalugampitiya (GPFE). The panel addressed the commitments of parliamentarians from different regions to evaluation. Questions such as how have parliamentarians contributed to promoting national evaluation policies and systems linked to good governance and accountability were at the center of the debate. Ada Ocampo, UNICEF New York, delivered the opening and closing remarks, explaining that significant initiatives to strengthen the use of evaluation in the context of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are urgently needed at country level, if transformational change is to occur. The discussions provided new prospects and perspectives to parliamentarians employing evaluation for transformational change.