
Date: 01/02/2010
Business process review

Project Supervision at the African Development Bank 2001 - 2008

The evaluation examined the relevance, performance and information systems of project supervision for public sector projects at the Bank1.

Date: 01/11/2009
Country strategy and program evaluation

Cameroon: Country Assistance Evaluation, 1996-2007

Cameroon is the flagship country of CEMAC and accounts for 50% of its population, 45% of its GDP, and 60% of its money supply. The country started collaborating with the Bank in 1970; however, the present assessment focuses on strategies implemented by the Bank from 1996 to 2008. Four Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) have been produced to chart the Bank’s course of action. The objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of this assistance and its impact on the country’s development with a view to drawing useful conclusions and drafting recommendations for the next Results-Based Country Strategy Paper (RBCSP).

Date: 15/10/2009
Country strategy and program evaluation

Cape Verde: Country Assistance Evaluation, 1996-2007

Cape Verde is a small island country located 455 kilometers off the western coast of Africa. It has an estimated population of 530,000 inhabitants—with the number of Cape Verdeans living abroad higher than the resident population. The country started collaborating with the Bank in 1977. The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze the effectiveness of the Bank’s assistance to the country during the 1996-2007 period and its development impact with a view to drawing conclusions and lessons, and making recommendations for ongoing and future actions. During the period under review, the Bank prepared four country strategy papers (CSPs) to guide its operations.

Date: 01/06/2009
Corporate evaluation

Independent Evaluation of the Decentralisation Strategy and Process at the African Development Bank

The evaluation focuses on the period from 2004 following Board approval (September 2004) of the ‘Proposed Strategy for the Decentralisation of the Activities of the African Development Bank Group’ (hereafter ‘Decentralisation Strategy’). It takes into account the evolution of strategic thinking within the AfDB on decentralisation both before and after approval of the Decentralisation Strategy in 2004, within the wider reforms at the AfDB and following the direction set by the AfDB’s vision and Medium Term Strategy (MTS) 2008-2012.

Date: 18/05/2009
Country strategy and program evaluation

Uganda: Joint IEG/OPEV Country Assistance Evaluation, 2001-2007

This joint Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE), prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank (WB) and the Operations Evaluation Department (OPEV) of the African Development Bank (AfDB), reviews the assistance provided by the WB and the AfDB to Uganda during 2001-07. Since the assistance provided by the two banks was not joint, the report examines whether: (a) the objectives of the assistance of the two banks were the “right” ones given the country context and the mandate of each bank; (b) the designs of the banks’ assistance programs were appropriate, effective, and consistent with their associated objectives; and (c) the program and interventions of each bank achieved their objectives and contributed (or likely to contribute) to the intended outcomes.

Date: 02/11/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ethiopia: Country Assistance Evaluation, 1996 - 2007

This report evaluates the Bank’s assistance to Ethiopia in the period 1996-2007, focusing on projects and interventions approved over the period 1996-2004.
