
Date: 25/09/2008
Corporate evaluation

Evaluation of The Joint Africa Institute

The evaluation covers all JAI activities since inception and pays particular attention to assessing the experiences and benefits of the JAI as a formalized partnership between the three member institutions (the AfDB, the IMF, and the World Bank) in terms of synergies and complementarities. By mid-2007, 127 training events attracting over 4,300 participants had been delivered under JAI auspices. According to JAI reports, total expenditure between 1999 and 2006 amounted to just over US$19 million.

Date: 02/05/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ethiopia: Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Multi-sector, 1992-2004

The evaluation will serve as an input into a larger evaluation of Bank’s overall assistance to Ethiopia. Thus it is a comprehensive review of Bank’s operations in support of macroeconomic stabilization, adjustment, institutional reforms, and capacity building in Ethiopia, covering all completed project in the sector. Some preliminary views will also be expressed on the performance of on-going projects. The evaluation focuses on Bank’s products and services, the achievement of objectives of those products and services, their efficiency, the sustainability of the achievements, their institutional development impact as well as economywide impact. The performance of development partners (the Bank, government of Ethiopia and other donors) is also assessed.

Date: 18/04/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ethiopia: Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector, 1993-2004

The review covers the lending and non-lending interventions in the sector since 19931. The policy context within which these projects have operated is first described. The standard evaluation criteria of the Bank Group are then applied separately for lending and non-lending activities to assess the outcome (relevance, efficacy and efficiency), institutional development and sustainability (see annex A4). To the extent that the available evidence permits, the review attempts to show the contribution of the Bank Group and that of the GOE to the performance outcome. Finally, the review draws lessons learned and provides recommendations for enhancing the development effectiveness of the AfDB intervention in Ethiopian agriculture.

Date: 08/04/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Cameroon: Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Multi-sector, 1996-2004

The study provides an overall review of Bank operations in macroeconomic stabilization, institutional reforms (including good governance), adjustment and capacity building in Cameroon between 1996 and 2004. It is limited to SAP II (1997/98-1999/2000) and SAP III (2000/01/2000/04), which have been closed, and to the Bank-financed Governance Reform Support Program (PAPNG), which is currently underway. Only a preliminary evaluation is provided for the PAPNG, which saw no activity until 2004. The evaluation focused on the level of implementation of agreed activities (policies, institutional change, etc.), respect of deadlines and disbursement adequacy, key design factors that may have had a positive or negative impact on the operation, their efficiency, the sustainability of outputs, their impact on institutional development, and their economic impact.

Date: 04/03/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Transport Sector, 1996-2004

In accordance with Bank directives, this evaluation was conducted on the strategies of assistance to the Transport sector (3 CSP over the period) and on the outcomes and impacts of the financed operations. The evaluation criteria used are: (i) relevance; (ii) quality at entry; (iii) effectiveness; (iv) efficiency; (v) impact of this sectoral assistance on the institutional organization; (vi) sustainability; (vii) cross-cutting impacts; (viii) performance of the borrower; (ix) contribution of the other donors; and (x) exogenous factors having an impact on the performance of the assistance.

Date: 26/02/2008
Country strategy and program evaluation

Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector, 1996-2004

The study mainly covers the whole ARD sector portfolio approved between 1996 and 2004. Operations initiated before 1996 were implemented and completed during the period under consideration. Their performance is also considered because of their relationship with the projects of the period.

Assistance results are evaluated in accordance with the guidelines of the ADB’s Operations Evaluation Department (OPEV) governing evaluation of Bank assistance, preparation of the evaluation rating for PCRs and PPARs, and on the basis of the combined action of four factors: (a) the Bank; (b) Cameroon (Borrower); (c) partners and stakeholders; and (d) exogenous forces (natural phenomena, economic crises, etc.).
