
Date: 14/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Review of Bank Assistance To Water Sector, 1978-2004

The scope of the review covered all lending and non-lending activities of the Bank in the Water Sector of Ghana from 1974 to 2004. The methodology consisted the review of available documents at the Bank and information and data collected during field mission to Ghana for purpose of assessing the Government’s and Bank’s policies and strategies that have evolved over time and evaluating the interventions during the period under review. With respect to lending activities, the review evaluated the interventions based on the standard benchmarks of relevance, efficacy, efficiency, sustainability, and institutional development impact. The review also assessed the Borrower and Bank performance in the sector. The review drew lessons of experience and made recommendations to guide future strategies. A ‘with and without’ approach was employed to determine the counterfactual of the Bank assistance.

Date: 14/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Review of Bank Assistance to the Transport Sector, 1978-2003

The evaluation is based on findings from the review of documents such as economic prospects and country programming papers (EPCPs); sector and cross cutting policies; country strategy and poverty reduction papers, appraisal reports, project completion reports, and project performance audit/evaluation reports. These findings were supplemented with a field mission to Ghana in order to share the views of government officials, executing agencies, donors, the private sector and civil societies.

Date: 14/12/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Review of Bank Assistance to the Power and Telecommunications Sectors, 1978-2002

The evaluation is based on findings from the review of documents such as economic prospects and country programming papers (EPCPs); sector and cross cutting policies; country strategy and poverty reduction papers, appraisal reports, project completion reports, and project performance audit/evaluation reports. These findings were supplemented with a field mission to Ghana in order to share the views

Date: 23/11/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Morocco: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the education sector, 1994-2004

The review covers ongoing Bank interventions over the 1994 to 2004 period. It covers both lending and non-lending activities. The review assesses the performance of Morocco and that of the Bank by analyzing factors likely to influence outcomes and their sustainability. The interventions are assessed on the basis of the following criteria: a) relevance; b) efficacy; c) efficiency; d) sustainability; e) institutional impact1. The review takes into account intersectoral and crosscutting issues2. It establishes a measure of performance based on these criteria.

Date: 22/11/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Tanzania: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the health sector, 1998-2004

The evaluation primarily documents from past and recent lending and non-lending activities of the Bank in the health sector and evaluates the strategies employed over the years in order to draw the lessons from experience and provide recommendations for future interventions. The evaluation is based on a review of the available documents such as Appraisal Reports, Project Completion Reports, Country Portfolio Review Reports, Supervision Mission Reports and Annual Portfolio Reviews, of on-going and completed interventions in the health sector. The evaluation takes into account the evolution of the Bank with respect to the changing emphasis on the development agenda such as crosscutting issues - governance, gender, poverty, environment, HIV/Aids, community participation and regional integration. It also takes into account the impact of policy documents introduced at different periods, and the evolving operational guidelines and procedures adopted over the years in managing the portfolio of the Bank.

Date: 13/11/2005
Country strategy and program evaluation

Ghana: Evaluation of the bank assistance to the education sector, 1985-2004

The review primarily documents from past and recent lending and non-lending activities of the Bank in the education sector in Ghana and evaluate the strategies employed over the years in order to draw the lessons of experience and recommend the way forward. The evaluation was based on a review of the available documents such as Appraisal Reports, Project Completion Reports, Country Strategy Papers, Country Portfolio Review Reports, Supervision Mission Reports, and Annual Portfolio Reviews of on-going and completed interventions in the education sector in Ghana. The review takes into account the evolution of the Bank with respect to the changing emphasis on the development agenda such as crosscutting issues - gender, environment, poverty, private sector, community participation and regional integration. It also takes into account the impact of policy documents introduced at different periods, and the evolving operational guidelines and procedures adopted over the years in managing the portfolio of the Bank
