The objective of the review is to evaluate the Bank’s health policy, strategy and interventions for the period 1985 to 2004, in order to identify good practices and shortcomings to draw up useful lessons for the Bank’s future health strategy.
The review documents from past and recent lending and non-lending activities of the Bank in the education sector and evaluate the strategies employed over the years in order to draw the lessons of experience and provide recommendations for the future interventions. The evaluation is based on a review of the available documents such as Appraisal Reports, Project Completion Reports, Country Portfolio Review Reports, Country Strategy Papers, Supervision Mission Reports and Annual Portfolio Reviews, of on-going and completed interventions in the education sector. The review takes into account the evolution of the Bank’s strategies and policies with respect to the changing emphasis on the development agenda such as crosscutting issues - governance, gender, poverty, environment, HIV/Aids, community participation and regional integration. It also takes into account the impact of policy documents introduced at different periods, and the evolving operational guidelines and procedures adopted over the years in managing the portfolio of the Bank.
The study bears on the 1994-2004 period and is based on documentary analysis and interviews conducted with the Bank’s experts and with those of Morocco and other development partners during the mission from 11 to 28 April 2005.
The evaluation findings are based on assessment of four completed projects, two completed studies, and three recently approved projects which are at various stages of implementation. The evaluation notes that the Bank Group at some time in the past approved the financing of three projects in the sugar, livestock and environment sub-sectors which were subsequently not implemented and therefore aborted. These projects are not covered by this evaluation. Details of the Bank Group ARD sector portfolio are given in Annex 1, Table 1 and in Annexes 2 and 3.
This report was prepared following a FISAP and PDEI performance evaluation mission to Morocco from 11–28 April 2005. It draws on the appraisal and completion reports of these programmes, as well as on (i) information available at Bank headquarters; (ii) information and documentation obtained during the mission; and (iii) discussions and interviews with Moroccan authorities, the resident representatives of the World Bank, the UNDP, and the European Union in Morocco.
During the ninth ADF replenishment period (2002–2004), the ADB processed 36 CSPs.1 A full list of the CSPs reviewed and assessed in this report is found in Annex I. Of these 36 countries, 31 are classified as low-income countries (Category A) and five as medium-income countries (Category C). Their geographic distribution is as follows: three from the North Region, eight from the South Region, seven each from the Central and Eastern Regions, and eleven from the Western Region.Chapter 2 of this report assesses the scope and contents of CSPs, focusing on the six main principles emphasized in the new format (see 1.3.3). Chapter 3 reviews the CSP process, examines the effectiveness of CSPs as a planning and management tool for the Bank, whereas Chapter 4 presents conclusions and recommendations