To ensure that IDEV is organizationally and behaviourally independent of management, the Evaluator-General reports directly to the Bank’s Board of Directors through its Committee on Operations and Development Effectiveness (CODE).
CODE maintains oversight of IDEV’s work and endorses and recommends to the Board of Directors for approval, IDEV’s work program and the associated budget. IDEV’s budget, once approved by the Board, is ‘ring fenced’ (i.e. not subject to management influence or control).
IDEV’s evaluation reports are submitted to CODE together with a formal response by management. Management does not impose restrictions on the scope, content, conclusions and recommendations of evaluation reports. CODE takes key reports for discussion, considers the evaluation lessons and recommendations presented, along with the management response and decides on any action to be taken .
In addition, IDEV ‘s independent evaluation work is guided by internationally accepted principles for the evaluation of development assistance, in particular, the DAC-OECD evaluation guiding principles and the good-practice standards issued by the Multilateral Development Banks’ Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG).