The Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank (AfDB) is responsible for the independent evaluation function of the Bank. IDEV’s mission is to help the African Development Bank to foster sustainable growth and poverty reduction in Africa, through independent and influential evaluations.
IDEV undertakes, independently of the Bank’s management and operation s complexes, performance evaluations of completed and selected on-going projects, programmes, policies and strategies and assesses their outcomes and impact on the economic and social development of regional member countries.
It also conducts thematic evaluation studies, sector policy reviews, country assistance evaluations and ad hoc reviews as may be directed by the Board of Directors. It disseminates the lessons generated from independent evaluations and assists complexes in incorporating the lessons of experience by organising technical workshops and seminars.
It additionally assesses the adequacy of the operational evaluation system and ensures that the lessons of experience drawn are used to improve the quality and effectiveness of Bank Group assistance strategies, policies, processes and procedures.
IDEV plays an advisory and catalytic role in assisting regional member countries and national or regional evaluation associations in their efforts to develop their own monitoring and evaluation capacity.
IDEV selectively organizes evaluation workshops and seminars in collaboration with the African Development Institute (EADI), and in partnership with other development agencies and evaluation entities.
It also cooperates and exchanges best practices with bilateral and multilateral development agencies, with a view to harmonising evaluation methods and practices and fostering collaborative evaluation of country assistance strategies, sector policies, and development projects and programs.