Human Capital Development

The Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) has conducted an evaluation of the African Development Bank (AfDB or "the Bank")’s Strategy for Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa (“the Strategy”) for the period 2014 – 2019. The evaluation assessed the relevance of the Strategy and the Bank’s effectiveness in implementing it.


Resource-rich countries across the world and in Africa in particular have experienced tough economic times recently following drastic falls in commodity prices. This has further raised questions on how best these countries should manage their resources, allocate their revenues, diversify their economies and reduce the inequality gap.


This review of Bank assistance to the social sector in Cameroon covers the 1996-2004 period. The review seeks to evaluate the Bank’s products and services, which involves an analysis of the main elements of the Bank’s assistance programme, namely the CSPs, lending operations and non-lending assistance, including sector studies and aid coordination. The evaluation also covers the outputs of Bank assistance to the social sector and its contribution to the development of Cameroon. It also examines the impact of the outputs on cross-cutting issues, namely: gender, the environment, regional integration, the private sector and community participation. Lastly, the contribution of various partners to the outputs of the Bank’s assistance programme is also evaluated.


This country case study of Tanzania is one of a series of case studies that have been undertaken as part of an independent evaluation commissioned by the African Development Bank (AfDB) of the AfDB’s Policy Based Operations (PBOs).The aim is to support policy and institutional reforms that promote economic growth and poverty reduction. PBOs include balance of payments support, sectoral adjustment lending to support reforms in specific sectors, policy based lending for governance, general budget support and sector budget support. This evaluation has been designed to examine the application of PBOs used by the Bank over the period 1999–2009.


This country case study of Sierra Leone is one of a series of case-studies that has been undertaken as part of an independent evaluation commissioned by the African Development Bank (AfDB) of the AfDB’s Policy Based Operations (PBOs). The general purpose of the transfer is to support policy and institutional reforms that promote economic growth and poverty reduction. PBOs include balance of payments support, sectoral adjustment lending to support reforms in specific sectors, policy based lending for governance, general budget support and sector budget support. This evaluation has been designed to examine the application of PBOs used by the Bank over the period 1999-2009.


This country case study of Rwanda is one of a series of case studies that have been undertaken as part of an independent evaluation commissioned by the African Development Bank (AfDB) of the AfDB’s Policy Based Operations (PBOs). The aim is to support policy and institutional reforms that promote economic growth and poverty reduction. PBOs include balance of payments support, sectoral adjustment lending to support reforms in specific sectors, policy based lending for governance, general budget support, and sector budget support. This evaluation has been designed to examine the application of PBOs used by the Bank over the period 1999–2009.

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