Private Sector

This synthesis outlines the key findings of 33 evaluations of support for private sector development (PSD) undertaken by bilateral and multilateral institutions over the past five years. The purpose of the synthesis is to inform the strategic direction, design, and implementation of future PSD initiatives so as to leverage the sector’s role in spurring economic growth and advancing development effectiveness in Africa.


This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Bank Group’s Equity Investments. This evaluation was conducted in order to inform Bank’s decisions on the future use of equity investments by identifying lessons and potential areas for improvement. As such, the purpose of the evaluation is two-fold: 1) assess the relevance and performance of the Bank’s equity investments; and 2) identify lessons, recommendations and areas for improvement.


This report reviews the performance of the Bank in respect of its private sector operations, by assessing its effectiveness in growing and managing the portfolio of investments, and by evaluating the development contribution of the projects it has supported. It is based on the Bank’s portfolio of 137 investments that were approved by the Board between 2006 and 2011, and which account for a total approved investment volume of UA 3.9 billion, of which UA 3.5 billion is committed. Additionally, the review makes reference to 38 TA interventions approved over the same period, though these were not evaluated individually.


This evaluation is a response to the January 2012 report of the Bank-wide Task Force set up to take stock of microfinance activities of the African Development Bank Group (the Bank). The task force called for an independent and comprehensive review of these activities. The evaluation covers the period 2000 - 2012 and makes recommendations for policy and operations improvement.



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