Road Transport

Travel time along a 13 km stretch of Nairobi’s Outer Ring Road has been eased considerably, with the opening of the two-lane dual carriageway in early 2019. This road improvement was thanks to an AfDB-funded project that was launched in 2015. As a bonus, the intervention led to reduced road fatalities, encouraged the establishment of new businesses, and restored security for the people who use the road. These outcomes come as no surprise given that the project was found to have had good “Quality at Entry” by a recent IDEV evaluation. This case study will argue that in particular evaluability and implementation readiness are the key quality at entry factors that can lead to a greater likelihood of project success. 


This project consisted of several components: (i) road construction spread over three lots: upgrading the exit from Cotonou (3.85 km) with 2x2 lanes and a cycle path (KFW financing), upgrading of 10.75 km of road with 2x2 lanes and a toll/weighing station and cycle path (ADF, NTF, BOAD) and upgrading 12.71 km, of which a section with 2x2 lanes (3.3 km) and another section with 2 lanes (9.4 km), 3.6 metres wide (EDF financing); (ii) works monitoring and supervision; and (iii) project audit.


This report is the intermediate performance evaluation report (PPER) on the secondary roads project in Niger, implemented in two successive phases, each of which received a separate Bank loan. The UA 2.3 million ADF loan for financing the first phase was approved on 25 August 1983 and became effective 17 months later on 3 July 1985. The UA 4.6 million ADF loan to finance the second phase was approved on 18 June 1986 and became effective within the projected timeframe on 25 June 1987.


A recent evaluation conducted by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) has revealed that the Bank’s substantial investment in road infrastructure in Cameroon from 2004 to 2013 resulted in time savings and a 40-percent drop in transportation costs.

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