
AfDB commitments, whose content varies considerably, collectively affect all facets of the Bank's work. Three independent evaluations were conducted to determine whether the AfDB is delivering on its commitments under GCI VI and ADF 12 and 13 Commitments. These evaluations informed the ADF-13 Mid-Term Review Meeting held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 11-13 November, 2015.Evaluation Matters zooms in on key findings, lessons and recommendations of these evaluations.


The evaluation is based on findings from the review of documents such as economic prospects and country programming papers (EPCPs); sector and cross cutting policies; country strategy and poverty reduction papers, appraisal reports, project completion reports, and project performance audit/evaluation reports. These findings were supplemented with a field mission to Ghana in order to share the views of government officials, executing agencies, donors, the private sector and civil societies.


The review focused on the 1996-2004 period while taking into consideration the experience of the previous projects implemented. According to OPEV guidelines, the post evaluation criteria are: (i) relevance and assessment of quality at entry, (ii) achievement of objectives and goals ‘efficacy’, (iii) efficiency, (iv) impact on institutional development, (v) sustainability, (vi) performance of the borrower, and (vii) performance of the Bank.


The report evaluates the Bank Group assistance to the Republic of Ghana in line with recommendations of the ADF VII-IX and OPEV’s core mandate. The Ghana Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) takes the country as a unit of analysis and attempts to evaluate the Bank Group's assistance to Ghana from 1996 to 2004, using the Bank's country strategy asa point of reference. The evaluation covers three Country Strategy Papers. These are: Country Strategy Paper 1 (1996 - 1998) (CSP1); Country Strategy Paper 2 (1999 - 2001) (CSP2); and Country Strategy Paper 3 (2002 - 2004) (CSP3). Collectively, in the 3 CSPs, the Bank approved loans and grants totalling UA376.5 million (net of cancellations) to Ghana.


In accordance with Bank directives, this evaluation was conducted on the strategies of assistance to the Transport sector (3 CSP over the period) and on the outcomes and impacts of the financed operations. The evaluation criteria used are: (i) relevance; (ii) quality at entry; (iii) effectiveness; (iv) efficiency; (v) impact of this sectoral assistance on the institutional organization; (vi) sustainability; (vii) cross-cutting impacts; (viii) performance of the borrower; (ix) contribution of the other donors; and (x) exogenous factors having an impact on the performance of the assistance.


This country case study of Morocco is one of a series of case studies that have been undertaken as part of an independent evaluation commissioned by the African Development Bank (AfDB) of the AfDB’s Policy Based Operations (PBOs). The aim is to support policy and institutional reforms that promote economic growth and poverty reduction. PBOs include balance of payments support, sectoral adjustment lending to support reforms in specific sectors, policy based lending for governance, general budget support and sector budget support. This evaluation has been designed to examine the application of PBOs used by the Bank over the period 1999–2009.


This report presents the findings of an evaluation of three Kenya Strategy Papers (2002-2004, 2005 - 2007 and 2008-2012). These three CSPs have supported Kenya’s development efforts over a period of dramatic change in Kenya. During the period of the 2002 CSP, the Government of Kenya (GOK) moved forward with its Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS), a policy paper that established three key pillars forming the basis for the government’s priorities for the entire decade.



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