Oui. Parmi les exemples récents qui montrent la manière dont l’évaluation indépendante a renforcé le travail de la Banque, figurent notamment:
- Evaluation of the Assistance of the African Development Bank to Fragile States, 2012: Following the evaluation, the Bank set up a taskforce on its engagement in fragile regional member states. The “Fragile States Facility - Semi-Annual Information Note”, states: “the Task Force draws heavily from the findings of the OPEV Report...” and: “In preparation for the ADF- 12 Mid Term Review, OSFU is reviewing and updating the Bank’s strategy for engagement in fragile states. This review coupled with the OPEV external evaluation of the Bank’s assistance to fragile states will strengthen the focus of the Bank’s engagement in delivering appropriate programming in regional member countries and regions still experiencing fragility.”
- Quality of Project Results Reporting at the AfDB, 2008–2009: The findings of this report informed the ongoing revision of the Project Completion Report (PCR) template for public sector operations. Some of the deficiencies in the quality of PCRs – highlighted by the evaluation – were addressed in the revised PCR template. These include the need to (i) ensure consistency with international definitions, (ii) improve the assessment of risk and sustainability, (iii) strengthen lessons learning, and iv) enhance the analysis of cross-cutting and fiduciary issues.
- Mainstreaming Gender Equality: A Road to Results or a Road to Nowhere? (2011): This evaluation synthesis provided input for the design of the Bank’s first gender strategy. The department jointly managed – with the Results and Quality Assurance Department – a review of gender equality results of AfDB-funded public sector operations, 2009-2011. This review also informed the design of the Bank’s first gender strategy. In 2013/2014, the Independent evaluation department collaborated with the Results and Quality Assurance Department and with the Office of the Special Envoy on Gender to foster ways of mainstreaming gender into evaluations and into the Bank’s operations.
- Evaluation of Policy- Based Operations (PBO) in the African Development Bank, 1999-2009 (2011): This evaluation helped shape the current Bank Policy on policy-based operations. The Policy addresses the key short-comings in the Bank’s use of PBO instruments, as revealed in the independent evaluation, notably: (i) the existence of disparate procedures and guidelines on PBOs, hence the need for a consolidated Policy, (ii) the lack of genuine multi-sector approach to PBOs, (iii) insufficient guidance from Country Strategy Papers on the role of PBOs, and (iv) uncertainty about audit and fiduciary risk requirements.
- Independent Evaluation of the Bank’s Decentralization Strategy and Process, 2009 : Following IDEV’s Independent Evaluation of the Bank’s Decentralisation Strategy and Process in 2009 [link to evaluation report], Bank Management set up a Decentralization Road Map Task Team to prepare an action plan in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the decentralization process.
- Evaluation of the Joint Africa Institute, 2008: This evaluation informed the Bank’s current Capacity Development Strategy. In 2007, the Bank’s Independent Evaluation Department, at the request of Bank Senior Management, undertook an independent evaluation of the Joint Africa Institute (JAI). The overall objective of the evaluation was to provide Management with a valid basis for appropriate decisions about the future of the JAI. “The results of the workshop, along with the internal evaluation of EADI and the external evaluation of JAI by OPEV formed the basis for a preliminary draft discussed by Bank Directors on June 10, 2009.” Bank Group Capacity Development Strategy, 2010
- IDEV’s Independent Evaluation of Project Supervision at the African Development Bank, 2001-2008, highlighted key issues affecting the Bank’s supervision systems and processes. Bank Management is addressing these through such measures as the revamping of the entire system, including the electronic management information system.