
African Parliamentarians Engage in Evidence-Based SDG and Agenda 2063 Reporting

If Africa is to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it will require strengthened national evaluation capacities that respond to policies and frameworks leading to actionable goals. To this end, the continent is on a positive trajectory in the field of evaluation and evaluative knowledge is being mainstreamed and integrated into national planning frameworks. 


The main objective of this evaluation study is to provide credible estimates of the impacts of the RWSSP on participating communities and households, especially in terms of (i) access to and use of safe water, (ii) the incidence of diarrhea in children under five years of age, (iii) children’s school attendance, and (v) women’s participation in self-employment, and on the sustainability of the results.


The evaluation of AfDB-funded power interconnection projects covers a cluster of energy sector operations approved by the Bank during the period 1999-2013. The selection of power interconnection was driven by the fact that it can significantly contribute to regional integration and help reduce the cost of electricity generation, thereby improving the overall energy supply in Africa. During the period under study, the Bank approved 48 projects related to power interconnection, amounting to UA 822 million.


This cluster evaluation assesses the effectiveness of 6 out of the 18 rural electrification investment projects funded by the African Development Bank between 1999 and 2013, amounting to about USD 290 million. The projects cover five countries: Benin, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Mozambique and Tunisia. The selection of rural electrification as one of the evaluation themes is due to the fact that it has a pronounced impact on the majority of Africans living in rural and sub-urban areas.


This Country Strategy and Program Evaluation aims at: (i) assessing the development results achieved through the assistance provided by the African Development Bank Group (“the Bank” or “AfDB”) to Ethiopia, and in particular the extent to which the Bank’s interventions made a difference  and how, and (ii) drawing lessons on how the Bank manages its interventions in the country  with the aim of  suggesting potential improvements to inform the preparation of the new Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Ethiopia.


The Bank Group assistance in the public utility sector in Ethiopia commenced in 1975. The scope of the review covered all operations since then to 2004. The review is based on available documents and on findings of a field mission. The review was segmented into two periods: those financed up to 1995 in the pre-CSP period and those financed during the CSP era beginning 1996. The three CSPs covered the periods 1996-1998, 1999-2001 and 2002-2004. The review applied the standard evaluation benchmarks: Relevance, Efficacy, Efficiency of Implementation, Institutional Development Impact and Sustainability. The “with and without” evaluation approach was applied for the completed projects to situate the counterfactual related to the Bank’s assistance in the sector. This review is carried out at sector and project levels, the latter to make up for the lack of PCRs for many of the completed projects. The review also covers performance in nonlending activities and assesses the outcome of the interventions on major crosscutting issues. The performance of the Borrower/executing agencies and the Bank is also assessed to draw lessons of experience.


The review covers the lending and non-lending interventions in the sector since 19931. The policy context within which these projects have operated is first described. The standard evaluation criteria of the Bank Group are then applied separately for lending and non-lending activities to assess the outcome (relevance, efficacy and efficiency), institutional development and sustainability (see annex A4). To the extent that the available evidence permits, the review attempts to show the contribution of the Bank Group and that of the GOE to the performance outcome. Finally, the review draws lessons learned and provides recommendations for enhancing the development effectiveness of the AfDB intervention in Ethiopian agriculture.


The evaluation will serve as an input into a larger evaluation of Bank’s overall assistance to Ethiopia. Thus it is a comprehensive review of Bank’s operations in support of macroeconomic stabilization, adjustment, institutional reforms, and capacity building in Ethiopia, covering all completed project in the sector. Some preliminary views will also be expressed on the performance of on-going projects. The evaluation focuses on Bank’s products and services, the achievement of objectives of those products and services, their efficiency, the sustainability of the achievements, their institutional development impact as well as economywide impact. The performance of development partners (the Bank, government of Ethiopia and other donors) is also assessed.


This country case study of Ethiopia is one of a series of case-studies have been undertaken as part of an independent evaluation commissioned by the African Development Bank (AfDB) of the AfDB’s Policy Based Operations (PBOs).The general purpose of PBOs is to contribute to AfDB member countries’ economic growth and poverty reduction objectives through supporting policy and institutional reforms. For the AfDB PBOs include balance of payments support, sectoral adjustment lending to support reforms in specific sectors, policy based lending for governance, general budget support and sector budget support. This evaluation has been designed to examine the application of PBOs used by the Bank over the period 1999–2009.



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