Climate Change

Throughout September 2019, an IDEV team carried out a series of field missions across four countries - Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda and Senegal - as part of its ongoing evaluation of mainstreaming green growth and climate change into the Bank’s policies and operations. The purpose of the evaluation is to help the Bank contribute to development effectiveness in these areas.


The transition to Green Growth is one of the two overarching objectives of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or the Bank) Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022. In order to improve the performance of the Bank in terms of mainstreaming Green Growth and climate change considerations into its strategies and operations, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is conducting an evaluation of the Bank’s interventions in this area between 2008 and 2018.


Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is currently conducting an independent evaluation of the African Development Bank Assistance in the energy sector for the period 2000-2014.

Overall, The AfDB committed about UA 7.9 billion over the past 14 years in the energy sector representing the third largest share in the Bank’s overall portfolio.  The energy portfolio increased by more than twentyfold from 2000 to 2013.


The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) were established in 2008 as an interim measure pending the effectiveness of a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)-agreed structure for climate finance. They were designed to provide new and additional financing to complement existing bilateral and multilateral financing mechanisms in order to demonstrate and deploy transformational actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The funds also aim to promote international cooperation on climate change, to foster environmental and social co-benefits of sustainable development, and to promote learning-by-doing.

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