Mr. Kobena HANSON - Principal Evaluation Capacity Development Officer

Kobena T. Hanson is an international development practitioner with over 25 years experience initiating and managing large-scale development research and capacity-building initiatives. He is currently a Principal Evaluation Capacity Development Officer with the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) Division of the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Prior to joining AfDB, Dr. Hanson was a KM Coordinator/Consultant with the Palladium Group. Kobena is widely published on issues of capacity development, natural resource governance, knowledge management, regional development, and public policy. His recent publications include From MDGs to SDGS- Rethinking African Development (2017), Contemporary Regional Development in Africa (2015), Managing Africa’s Natural Resources: Capacities for Development (2014), and Rethinking Development Challenges for Public Policy: Insights from Contemporary Africa (2012).